Knossos and WEBKNOSSOS share common roots. Both software tools are developed by different teams and now have different feature sets. The core user interface of displaying and browsing microscopy data as well as the NML format for skeleton annotations in WEBKNOSSOS have been inspired by Knossos.
WEBKNOSSOS includes many useful features, including web-based sharing, fast skeletonization, hierarchical tree grouping, mesh visualization, proof-reading features, task management, time tracking, automatic dataset import, and support for many modalities.
WEBKNOSSOS remains compatible with the data formats of Knossos and makes it easy to switch.
NML files
Importing existing NML files into WEBKNOSSOS works out of the box. There are small differences in the file formats of the two software tools, but WEBKNOSSOS will automatically make your file compatible.
Knossos datasets
The upload system of WEBKNOSSOS will convert a Knossos dataset into a more efficient file format. This is an automatic process. You can also convert Knossos datasets offline using our Python-based cubing tool.
Many published datasets are already available in our publication gallery.
Features of WEBKNOSSOS